Studio Sketchs

Sketch #1

In order to visualize my families’ photographic archive I decided to lay out a slide carousel onto a light-table in order to examine themes, repeating motifs and find standout images. A few insights; my families album comes across as “cute; this is in stark opposition to the way I feel about my family, I did not have a ‘cute"‘ childhood. So then why does the archive say something that is in opposition with my personal narrative? There are also many many birthday images as well as images of children. Why do we think it’s important to document these moments of celebration and the fleeting moments of childhood?

Sketch #2

In this sketch in wanted to experiment with both projection and text. I wanted to see how rear projection would look on a photograph. After discovering that this process works really well I want to create an installation or a series of real projected images. Specifically a series titled Letters to my siblings Where I use rear projection techniques to imbed text into a series of images of myself interacting with one of my older siblings. The text would read as a letter that I’ve written to them through the framework of family systems therapy, a branch of CBT that investigates how the structures of a family system can lead to trauma.

This mode of rear projecting also offers opportunities for installation. When viewed ‘in the round’ the back of the photograph becomes a stand alone image that is then re-contextualized when viewed from the front. The viewer is left with two images between which they can alternate.


Lastly, here is a documentation image of my projector setup.


Studio Sketches


Precedent Research Presentation